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Buster 狗隻覓食迷宮 藍色 DogMaze Light Blue (274160) TBS

價格: $220$259
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加
規格: 藍色 黑色 綠色 粉紅色 灰色


Buster 狗隻覓食迷宮 藍色 DogMaze Light Blue (274160) TBS

讓狗隻需利用較長時間進食。利用進食增加和刺激狗隻玩樂興趣; 成為更健康和有活力的愛犬。

Spend Longer time on the meal and its senses are stimulated and challenged, while it eats. The result is a HEALTHIER and more VIGOROUS dog.


Suitable use with treats as well as a whole meal. By varying the treat size,you decide the difficulty.

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊  門市地址 火炭協興工業中心10樓C室
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop