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Nature's Protection 狗糧 去淚痕美毛 低敏白魚 小型幼犬 1.5kg (WDWJ291.5)

Nature's Protection

價格: $160$188
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加


Nature's Protection 狗糧 去淚痕美毛 低敏白魚 小型幼犬 1.5kg (WDWJ291.5)

- 小型犬的獨特配方,可幫助去除因眼淚和唾液而出現的眼睛,嘴巴和爪子周圍的褐色污漬。

- 精心設計,以保持眼淚,唾液的適當透明成分,並保留不銹塗層。

- 高質量蛋白質的主要且易於消化的來源-白魚,眾所周知,它具有低變應原性。

- 不含小麥的配方。 它可以幫助降低小麥麵筋過敏的風險。

- 天然抗氧化劑-維生素E和迷迭香提取物可以以完全天然的方式幫助保護細胞免受自由基的負面影響。

白魚42%(乾燥並磨碎),馬鈴薯漿,紅薯,豌豆,家禽脂肪,磷蝦粉(至少4%),甜菜漿,三文魚油,動態微粉化斜發沸石(1%),亞麻籽,低聚果糖( FOS),絲蘭提取物,綠茶,萬壽菊幹(葉黃素的來源)。

Nature's Protection 的貓糧狗糧配方皆由獸醫和營養專家製作,提供均衡的營養配方,包含左旋肉鹼,有助燃燒脂肪、控制體重及強化肌肉。Nature's Protection 在其出產的貓糧狗糧中更添加名爲 MicroZenGen 的天然礦物質成分,有效去除寵物體內的毒素、重金屬、氨;提高營養的吸收和加強寵物免疫系統。Nature's Protection 品牌最為知名及暢銷的系列為針對貓狗淚痕問題而出品的 Superior Care 系列的貓糧狗糧,可改善貓狗眼部健康及長期淚痕問題。

- Unique formula for junior dogs, that can help to remove brown stains around the eyes, mouth and paws that appear due to tears and saliva.

- Carefully designed to sustain the appropriate transparent composition of tears, saliva and keep a stainless coat.

- The main and easily digestable source of the highest quality proteins – white fish, which is better known as hypoallergenic.

- Formula without wheat. It can help to reduce the risk of wheat gluten allergy.

- Natural antioxidants – vitamin E and rosemary extract can help to protect cells against the negative impact of free radicals in a completely natural way.


white fish42% (dried and finely ground), dried potato pulp, sweet potato, peas, poultry fat, krill meal (min. 4%), sugar beet pulp, salmon oil, dynamic micronized clinoptilolite (1%), linseed, fructooligosaccharides (FOS), yucca extract, green tea, marigold dried (source of lutein).

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 貓砂 狗糧 尿墊  門市地址 火炭協興工業中心10樓C室
PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop