Nature's Protection 貓糧 Superior Care 黑酵母成貓配方 雞+火雞+鴨 1.5kg (AA841.5K)
For adult cats of all breeds (aged 3 and older)
1,5 kg
Cats are subjected to the negative environmental effects very fast, this is why the majority of them are inclined to stress. Therefore, not only emotional care of pets is important but it is also necessary to ensure proper complete nutrition including all special substances and nutrients to strengthen their nervous system.
To meet the above needs of the market, an innovative pet food NATURE‘S PROTECTION SUPERIOR CARE ANTI AGE was developed – key to healthy longevity and viability of cats.
This pet food contains glucosamine, chondroitin, omega-3 fatty acid and silicium, which help to properly absorb these substances. Specially developed combination of vitamins and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, zinc) may help to strengthen bones.
Lutein available in this pet food, which is extracted from calendula blossom, together with vitamin complex (vit. A, C and E) can help to protect cat‘s eyes from the negative effects of free radicals and improve their blood circulation.
Natural polysaccharide beta-glucan together with natural antioxidants (green tea, vit. A, B, C, D and E, zinc and ferrum) boosts cat‘s immune system and protects from the negative effects of free radicals.
Enriched with mineral “MicroZeoGen“ – dynamically micronized clinoptilolite can help to remove toxic substances from the body and to
improve absorption of minerals and nutrients.
With the goal to strengthen immunity against environmental effects pet food is enriched with antioxidants, vitamin B complex, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids as well as with unique additives “Macrogard“ and “MicroZeoGen“.
Vitamin C and “Macrogard“ enhance collagen synthesis, this is why gum tissues become more resistant to injuries and calcium available in pet food can help to strengthen teeth.
Active substances (vitamin B complex, biotin and omega fatty acids from salmon oil and linseed oil, vitamins A and E, zinc and copper) are of great importance seeking to maintain healthy skin and shiny fur.
Feed contains taurine and omega fatty acids, which can help to bolster cardiac performance.
貓糧及狗糧配方皆由獸醫和營養專家製作,提供均衡的營養配方,包含左旋肉鹼,有助燃燒脂肪、控制體重及強化肌肉。Nature's Protection 在其出產的貓糧及狗糧中更添加名爲 MicroZenGen 的天然礦物質成分,有效去除寵物體內的毒素、重金屬、氨;提高營養的吸收和加強寵物免疫系統。Nature's Protection 品牌最為知名及暢銷的系列為針對貓狗淚痕問題而出品的 Superior Care 系列的貓糧及狗糧,可改善貓狗眼部健康及長期淚痕問題。狗糧產品 1. Nature's Protection Super Premium Dry Food for Dogs ◦ 成分:含有創新成分,如MicroZeoGen(一種天然礦物質),有助於確保寵物的健康和活力。不含小麥、豬肉和牛肉,減少過敏風險。添加了天然抗氧化劑,如維生素E和迷叠香提取物,保護細胞免受自由基的負面影響。 ◦ 適用對象:適合所有品種的成犬。 2. Nature's Protection Lifestyle Dry Food for Dogs ◦ 成分:無谷物配方,適合消化系統敏感的寵物。含有100%純椰子油,具有抗菌、抗病毒和抗微生物的特性,有助於提高消化性和營養吸收。 ◦ 適用對象:適合所有品種的成犬,特別是消化系統敏感的寵物。 3. Nature's Protection Superior Care Dry Food for Dogs ◦ 成分:無谷物配方,適合消化系統敏感的寵物。含有MicroZeoGen和天然抗氧化劑,如維生素E和迷叠香提取物。特別配方包括: ■ White Dogs:針對白色和淺色毛發的犬種,幫助減少淚痕和身體其他部位的棕色汙漬。 ■ Red Coat:針對棕色和紅色毛發的犬種,含有RCE Complex(Red Coat Enhancer Balanced Amino Acid Complex),促進色素沈著,增強自然紅色和棕色毛發的色素。 ■ Black Coat:針對黑色毛發的犬種,含有改善皮膚、毛發和消化系統的成分,保持毛發的亮澤和黑色。 貓糧產品 1. Nature's Protection Super Premium Dry Food for Cats ◦ 成分:含有創新成分,如MicroZeoGen,有助於確保寵物的健康和活力。不含小麥、豬肉和牛肉,減少過敏風險。添加了天然抗氧化劑,如維生素E和迷叠香提取物,保護細胞免受自由基的負面影響。 ◦ 適用對象:適合所有品種的成貓。 2. Nature's Protection Lifestyle Dry Food for Cats ◦ 成分:無谷物配方,適合消化系統敏感的寵物。含有100%純椰子油,具有抗菌、抗病毒和抗微生物的特性,有助於提高消化性和營養吸收。 ◦ 適用對象:適合所有品種的成貓,特別是消化系統敏感的寵物。 3. Nature's Protection Superior Care Dry Food for Cats ◦ 成分:無谷物配方,適合消化系統敏感的寵物。含有MicroZeoGen和天然抗氧化劑,如維生素E和迷叠香提取物。 ◦ 適用對象:適合所有品種的成貓,特別是消化系統敏感的寵物。 其他產品 • Nature's Protection Complementary Feed ◦ 成分:包括各種零食和補充劑,如含有白魚和米飯的腸道護理零食,適合所有品種的成犬。 ◦ 適用對象:適合需要額外營養支持的寵物。